Frank Noonan, Chairperson, thanked the members for making the effort to attend the 2013 AGM. He started his address by thanking the clubs for entering teams in both divisions last season. He was delighted that Division 2 was run. He stated that it was not ideal to have 2 sets of rounds of games doubled up in a month in division 1, twice, last season. He noted that this was owing to the late start of the League, which he said would be commented on by the League Controller in his report later on in the meeting. He regretted that Division 1 ended up with 7 teams competing. Whilst this was unfortunate, it resulted in teams receiving a match bye in each round, from round 3 onwards. He posed the question whether the League should revert to playing one game on a fortnightly basis. He also stated that "Rule 6 " Guest Players, introduced at last year's AGM had not the desired effect. He noted that there were 2 rule amendments for Rule 6 listed for discussion under agenda item 7 later on. He expressed his concern of teams having to give individual walkovers. In his conclusion, he hoped that the issue of walkovers could be addressed by the Clubs this season by giving a commitment to ensure that teams are fully fielded for all games.
Paul Carey read out the League Controller's Report which was circulated and adopted, Appendix 2. John Alfred apologised that his club had to withdraw their second team from Division 1 last season. He stated that it was not ideal but the membership of the team collapsed as 2 key players left the region.
Simon Lawrence circulated a financial report outlining income and expenditure in 2012/13, Appendix 3 together with 2011/12 for comparison. He highlighted the Room Hire cost which had doubled last year. A sum of €100 was agreed to be written off as it was agreed that it related to the previous season. It was agreed to discuss the whole issue of club fees later on under AOB.
The Treasurer's Report was adopted on the proposition of Pat Twomey having been seconded by Alan Salsac.
It was noted that John Cassidy was unavoidable absent as he was the Treasurer of the Limerick Chess Club and their AGM was also on tonight. However he forward on his Report to John Alfred who read it out, Appendix 4. This report was noted and adopted.