
Minute of Munster Chess Union Annual General Meeting 2014


1. Remove the position of PRO from Section 3.1 of the Constitution and remove the PRO's Report from Section 4.4 point 7.

Proposed By: Alan Salsac. Seconded By: Ray O'Brien.

Alan proposed this as we have not actually had a PRO for several years.


2. Add a new Section 3.4 to allow co-opting of help for the committee.

3.4 The Committee shall have the power to co-opt any individual member of the MCU to assist or advise them if they feel that such member has experience or abilities which can be of benefit to the MCU. It shall also have the power to form sub-committees to assist it in specific areas. The Committee will also appoint an individual member of the MCU to act as it's delegate to the ICU, and such person will be subject to instruction from the committee in respect of the views to be expressed on it's behalf to the ICU. Any person or persons so co-opted shall have no voting rights at Committee meetings by virtue of being co-opted.

Proposed By: Alan Salsac. Seconded By: Ray O'Brien.

An amendment to this motion to make the MCU delegate a separate section was proposed by Pat Twomey. The resulting amended motions were:

3.4 The Committee shall have the power to co-opt any individual member of the MCU to assist or advise them if they feel that such member has experience or abilities which can be of benefit to the MCU. It shall also have the power to form sub-committees to assist it in specific areas. Any person or persons so co-opted shall have no voting rights at Committee meetings by virtue of being co-opted.


The Committee will also appoint an individual member of the MCU to act as its delegate to the ICU, and such person will be subject to instruction from the committee in respect of the views to be expressed on its behalf to the ICU.

This amendment was adopted for a one year trial period and will be subject to review at next year's AGM.


Continued ...


  1. Attendance & Start
  2. Chairman's Address
  3. Secretary Report
  4. Officer Reports
  5. Constitutional Motions 1
  6. Constitutional Motions 2
  7. Constitutional Motions 3
  8. Constitutional Motions 4
  9. General Motions 1
  10. General Motions 2
  11. Officer Elections

  12. 2014 Minutes (pdf)
  13. Secretary's Report(pdf)