
Munster Junior Championships 2023

The Munster Junior Chess Championships were held on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd December 2023 in the West County Hotel in Ennis. As in previous years the Under 18, Under 16 and Under 14 entrants played in a single combined section to have enough opponents in each age group.

Prizes were available in age groups under 8, under 10, under 12, under 14, under 16 and under 18. There were a total of 145 participants across these competitions.

The main organiser of the Championships was John Cassidy with assistance from several other volunteers including Ray O'Brien, James O'Sullivan, Cathal McInerney, Phillip Foenander and many more. Thanks are also due to the West County Hotel and its staff for the smooth running of the event.

Full details of all prizewinners are detailed below. Entries came from all across Munster and also several players from outside Munster. Only players from Munster were eligible for the Munster Junior Champion Titles. In those cases one player could win 1st Prize in an age group but not be Munster Champion.

Under 18 Prizewinners

1st Place/Munster Champion: Cody Coughlan

2nd Place: Manuel Heydermann

Under 16 Prizewinners

Joint Munster Champion / 1st and 2nd: Fabian Walz

Joint Munster Champion / 1st and 2nd: George Stack

Third place: Jamie Comley

Under 14 Prizewinners

1st Place/Munster Champion: Tadhg Long

2nd Place: Samson Fried

3rd Place: Paddy Connolly

1st Place Girls: Maryna Petrenko

2nd Place Girls: Leonie Heydermann

Under 12 Prizewinners

1st Place: Kevin McInerney

Munster Champion: Mihovil Niko Cogelja

Joint 2nd Place: Korneliusz Bartczak

Joint 2nd Place: James Coughlan

Joint 2nd Place: Eshaan Dunna

1st Place Girls: Irina Petrenko

2nd Place Girls: Rowan Briggs

Under 10 Prizewinners

1st Place: Saiansh Biswal

2nd Place: Riyansh Agarwal

3rd Place: Ilankathir Vanjinathan

Munster Champion: Krish Bhattacharjee

1st Place Girls: Klea Krasniqi

2nd Place Girls: Roisin Comyn

3rd Place Girls: Aoibhe O'Brien

Under 8 Prizewinners

Joint Munster Champion/1st and 2nd: Aken Pinitha Palihawadana

Joint Munster Champion/1st and 2nd: Krish Bhattacharjee

1st Place Girls: Daphne Schranz

2nd Place Girls: MariaBalabanyan

3rdd Place Girls: Vidhan Lotke

Final Results Tables

Combined U18, U16 and U14 Standings
Place Name                     Feder Rtg Loc  Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-2  Walz, Fabian (29)                       4.5       9.5  16.5   14.5
      Stack, George (3)                  1616 4.5       8.0  13.0   14.5
 3-6  Comley, Jamie (6)                  982  4         9.0  16.0   11.0
      Petrenko, Maryna (1)               1683 4         8.5  14.0   13.0
      Long, Tadhg (32)                   1044 4         7.5  13.5   12.0
      Fried, Samson (15)                      4         7.5  12.5   11.0
 7-8  Connolly, Paddy (34)               780  3.5      10.5  16.0   11.5
      Iwaski, Luke (23)                       3.5       7.0  12.0    8.5
9-17  Sheehan, Conor (4)                 1271 3        10.0  16.5   11.0
      Crowley, Darragh (7)               386  3         8.5  14.5    9.0
      Hayden, Rory (33)                       3         8.0  13.0   10.0
      Tan, Caelan (8)                         3         7.5  13.0    8.5
      Anmett, Tiernan (31)                    3         7.5  12.0    8.0
      Molnar, Martin (25)                     3         7.0  12.0    8.0
      Fahy, Jack (14)                         3         6.5  12.0    6.0
      Laiihem, Zinedine (22)                  3         6.5  11.5    8.0
      Wyse, Mick (30)                         3         5.0  10.0    7.0
18-20 Coughlan, Cody (2)                 1630 2.5      11.0  16.5   10.5
      Horgan, Kevin (20)                      2.5       7.0  12.5    7.0
      Volaric, Leon (5)                  1073 2.5       4.5   9.0    8.0
21-30 McKeown, Tom (24)                       2         9.5  15.0    8.0
      Heydermann, Tobias (19)                 2         8.5  14.5    7.0
      Ogauliri, Joel (38)                     2         8.0  14.0    9.0
      Herrigan, James (16)                    2         8.0  13.5    6.0
      Crowe, David (11)                       2         7.5  11.5    7.0
      Crkom, Oliver (10)                      2         7.5  11.5    6.0
      Patel, Vihan (28)                       2         7.0  12.0    6.0
      Hudrov, Mihail (21)                     2         7.0  12.0    5.0
      Noonan, Caspar (37)                     2         4.0   9.0    4.0
      Deegan, Fiachra (35)                    2         4.0   8.0    3.0
 31   O'Sullivan, Clodagh (27)                1.5       5.0   8.5    4.0
32-36 Crowe, P J (12)                         1         8.5  14.0    5.0
      Heydermann, Manuel (18)                 1         7.5  13.5    1.0
      Heydermann, Leonie (17)                 1         6.5  11.5    3.0
      Enright, James (13)                     1         6.0  10.0    4.0
      Cesonis, Kostas (9)                     1         4.0   7.5    2.0
37-38 Sobin, Leo (36)                         0.5       4.0   8.0    2.0
      Noonan, George (26)                     0.5       4.0   7.5    2.0

Under 12 Standings
Place Name                      Feder Rtg Loc  Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   McInerney, Kevin (5)                722  5        11.0  17.0   15.0
 2-5  Cogelja, Mihovil Niko (4)           730  4         9.5  16.0   14.0
      Bartczak, Korneliusz (1)            1261 4         8.0  14.5   12.0
      Coughlan, James (2)                 740  4         7.5  13.0   13.0
      Dunna, Eshaan (12)                       4         7.5  12.0   10.0
 6-7  Dubovyk, Sviatoslav (3)             731  3.5       8.5  14.5   11.0
      Ringrose, T J (30)                       3.5       7.0  12.5   10.5
8-14  Petrenko, Irina (28)                     3        11.0  17.0   10.0
      Briggs, Maslen (8)                       3         9.0  13.5   10.0
      Puente, Dennis (29)                      3         8.0  14.0   10.0
      Kardkovacs, Akos (21)                    3         7.5  12.5    9.0
      Briggs, Rowan (9)                        3         6.5  12.0   10.0
      Shagoyan, Henry (32)                     3         6.0  10.5    7.0
      Casey, Dylan (10)                        3         4.5   8.0    7.0
15-18 O'Neill, Matthew (27)                    2.5       9.5  16.0   10.0
      Shingare, Prathmesh (33)                 2.5       8.0  13.0    8.5
      Wallace, Diarmud (35)                    2.5       7.0  12.5    8.0
      Hourigan, Ben (19)                       2.5       6.0  10.0    6.5
19-25 Fitzgerald, Cian (14)                    2         9.0  13.0    7.0
      Hassett, Oliver (15)                     2         8.0  13.5    7.0
      Collins, Ryan (11)                       2         7.5  12.0    7.0
      Rutar, Tadgh (31)                        2         6.5  11.0    5.0
      Heydermann, Carina (18)                  2         6.5  10.0    5.0
      Lynch, Madeline (25)                     2         5.5   9.0    3.0
      Singh Bakshi, Jugraj (34)                2         2.0   6.5    4.0
26-27 McInerney, Lelia (26)                    1.5       9.0  13.5    5.5
      Andralojc, Dawid (6)                     1.5       4.0   7.5    3.5
28-32 Keogh, William (22)                      1         8.5  14.0    3.0
      Finucaine, Julian (13)                   1         7.5  12.5    4.0
      Kinnane, Kayleigh (24)                   1         5.5   9.5    2.0
      Hegarty, Gwenole (17)                    1         5.0   9.5    4.0
      Lane, Daniel (23)                        1         2.5   8.0    2.0
 33   Huang, Luca (20)                         0.5       8.0  13.5    0.5
34-35 Andralojc, Magdalena (7)                 0         4.5   8.0    0.0
      Hayden, Rory (16)                        0         0.0   0.0    0.0

Under 10 Standings
Place Name                            Feder Rtg Loc  Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Biswal, Saiansh (1)                       1101 6        14.5  21.5   21.0
 2-3  Agarwal, Riyansh (4)                           5        17.0  25.0   18.0
      Vanjinathan, Ilankathir (3)               461  5        14.5  22.5   19.0
 4-5  Bhattacharjee, Krish (2)                  629  4.5      15.5  24.0   18.5
      Palihawadana, Aken Pinitha (31)                4.5      15.0  22.5   15.5
6-14  Chandrasekar, Devah (10)                       4        16.0  24.0   14.0
      Krasniqi, Klea (21)                            4        15.0  20.5   15.0
      Serritt, Charlie (36)                          4        13.0  18.5   14.0
      O'Brien, David (30)                            4        12.5  18.5   13.0
      Fitzgibbon, Phillip (17)                       4        12.5  18.0   16.0
      Morgan, Alex (28)                              4        12.0  19.0   16.0
      Woodfield, Anthony (42)                        4        11.5  17.5   13.0
      Rog, Antos (33)                                4        11.5  17.5   12.0
      Pavanadkar, Akahay (32)                        4        11.5  17.5   11.0
15-17 Comyn, Roisin (12)                             3.5      15.0  23.0   15.5
      Sethiya, Kaushal (37)                          3.5      13.0  20.0   14.5
      O'Brien, Aoibhe (29)                           3.5       7.5  10.5    8.5
18-24 Colleran, Luke (11)                            3        16.0  23.5   15.0
      Taylor, Nikolai (39)                           3        13.0  19.5   12.0
      Schran, Daphne (35)                            3        11.5  17.5   13.0
      McInerney, Hugo (24)                           3        11.5  17.5   10.0
      Williams, Henry (41)                           3        11.0  17.0   12.5
      Duffy, Peter (15)                              3         9.5  14.5    7.0
      Boland, Joey (5)                               3         9.5  14.0   10.0
25-29 Byrnes, Oscar (8)                              2.5      14.0  19.5    8.5
      Dowling, Harry (14)                            2.5      13.0  18.5    9.0
      Enright, Robert (16)                           2.5      11.0  15.5    5.0
      Hall, Feegan (18)                              2.5       9.5  14.0    8.5
      Hourigan, Jim (20)                             2.5       9.0  13.0    7.0
30-35 Shannon, Lauren (38)                           2        13.0  19.5    5.0
      St.Lynch, John (22)                            2        12.5  20.0    8.0
      McQuaid, Lochlann (25)                         2        12.5  19.0    7.0
      Byrnes, Tadgh (7)                              2        12.5  18.5    7.0
      Hayes, Seanie (19)                             2        10.5  17.5    8.0
      Santhanesh, Arjoon (34)                        2         7.0  13.0    7.0
36-40 Waldron, Noah (43)                             1.5      13.5  19.5    9.0
      Cottier, Emily (13)                            1.5      11.0  16.0    2.5
      Treacy, Conor (40)                             1.5      10.0  14.0    4.5
      Brennan, Roisiun (6)                           1.5       9.0  13.0    3.5
      Daly, Mark (44)                                1.5       8.5  12.5    3.5
41-44 Lynch, John (23)                               0         8.0   8.0    0.0
      Caballero, Marcus Lemuel (9)                   0         5.5  11.0    0.0
      Mishra, Pranav (26)                            0         0.0   0.0    0.0
      Monaghan, Max (27)                             0         0.0   0.0    0.0

Under 8 Standings
Place Name                           Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-2  Palihawadana, Aken Pinitha (1)           648 4.5      11.0  16.0   14.5
      Bhattacharjee, Krish (2)                 629 4.5       9.0  15.5   14.5
 3-5  Vanjinathan, Ilankathir (3)              461 4        10.0  16.0   13.0
      Siruk, Danyil (4)                        277 4         9.0  16.0   12.0
      Schranz, Daphne (23)                         4         8.0  13.0   12.0
  6   Fennessy, Brian (10)                         3.5       7.0  12.0    8.0
7-12  Balabanyan, Maria (5)                        3         9.0  15.5   11.0
      Shanmuga Sundaram, Mughil (28)           -15 3         8.5  14.0   12.0
      Lotke, Vidhan (14)                           3         8.0  14.0    9.0
      Keohane, Pearce (13)                         3         8.0  13.0   10.0
      Nagpal, Divansh (18)                         3         7.5  13.0    8.0
      McCarthy, Ciaran (16)                        3         4.5  10.0    7.0
13-15 O'Brien, Kealan (19)                         2.5       8.0  13.5    6.0
      Singh Bakshi, Raunak (25)                    2.5       7.5  12.5    7.0
      Byrne, Tadgh (8)                             2.5       6.5  10.5    5.0
16-19 Gomez Alonso, Frida (11)                     2         9.0  14.5    8.0
      Gomez Alonso, Alvaro (12)                    2         8.5  15.0    7.0
      O'Brien Lopez, Alfonso (20)                  2         6.0  10.0    5.0
      Lyons, Fiachra (15)                          2         4.0   7.0    3.5
20-23 Tierney, Rhys (26)                           1.5       8.0  13.0    2.5
      Murphy, Cathal (17)                          1.5       7.5  13.0    6.5
      Waldron, Jim (27)                            1.5       7.5  11.0    4.0
      Chambers, Rory (9)                           1.5       6.0  10.5    5.5
24-27 Boland, Harry (6)                            1         8.0  13.0    5.0
      Patadiya, Aarav (22)                         1         5.0   9.5    4.0
      Brennan, Emma (7)                            1         5.0   9.0    2.0
      Singh, Viraaj (24)                           1         4.0   8.5    3.0
 28   Panov, Mark (21)                             0         3.0   8.5    0.0